I had the privilege of painting again with the Putney Painters this past Saturday and there are a lot of great things happening up there. Richard Schmid brought in the finished painting of the Asian doll he worked on a couple months back (check out this old blog post about that day). This painting blew everyone away . . . it's probably the first time I saw a painting of Richards that had such deliberate design elements (usually he will design the subject with paint, but you would never guess he changed or altered anything because it looks so natural -- in this case he created a design and a painting).
Many of us painted Carol Arnold's daughter, Grace, who was the best little model any artist could wish for. She was so still, awake, and pleasant the entire time. It was probably the 100th time she has sat for a painting and she can be seen, along with Carol's other children, in many of Nancy Guzik's paintings. Below is Nancy's painting from this Saturday:
Kathy Anderson, Katie Swatland and Richard all painted still lifes (which was the theme for the day, until Carol's daughter showed up). The below image is Katie's painting that was absolutely amazing, this photo doesn't come close to doing it justice.
Above is Richard's painting (with my silver cup . . . hopefully he'll finish this painting and my cup famous -- I may never be, but at least my cup will!) To wrap up the post, below is another painting of Nancy's that she brought in to show Carol. Sorry about the glare: