Casey Baugh Updates

I was on Casey Baugh's site the other day and noticed a lot of updates that I thought I would make you aware of.

Casey just finished his first solo show with Wendt Gallery in NYC and his site has the 22 paintings from that show. I really loved Casey's previous paintings and some of these new ones aren't exactly my favorite, but there is no doubt that he is an amazing artist and perfect for the contemporary collector.

In addition to all the new works, he has added an archive section with a selection of his older paintings and drawings.

Casey has also started a new form of teaching through short videos. These videos walk you through one of his paintings and have in-process photos with voice-over. He is calling this "new" form of art demonstration Art Unlayered. I really like this concept and think that it could evolve into something great. For $15 each, these HD videos give you about 10 minutes of insight into his process. Below is a sample video from Casey (watch it on YouTube for the higher quality):